Silver Speaker Sponsorship


16 in stock (can be backordered)

SKU: silver-speaker Category:


Silver Speaker Sponsorships gives you the opportunity to make a special presentation during the event, and also have facilities with access to the attendees throughout the event where they can gain one-on-one information and make purchases at special convention discounts. You get:
  • A time slot in the program of 45-60 minutes where your company can offer a presentation to attendees.
  • Your company name in the program and on any other appropriate materials.
  • Your name and logo is added to the website with a link to a full page with your message, plus links to your website, which stays active for a year, or until the event is offered again.
  • A table and/or booth space in our Resource Row where your company can meet with attendees the entire event.
  • Your literature in our “swag bag” and in the Resource Row.
  • Acknowledgement at the Opening Orientation.
  • Two VIP Tickets (including Keynote Speaker meals) for events