Keynote: Writing in the Age of AI

AI is not going to replace us as writers. However, someone who knows how to use AI might, especially if they, too, are a skilled writer. Steph Pajonas will discuss how to use AI to enhance your work and your author career. Stephanie is an author of both science...

Evening Fireside Read & Critique

Attendees can, with advance submission, present one to two pages of prose. Attendees will read and critique works. The highest vote will be presented on Sunday at closing ceremonies with an award!

Editorial Nitpicking panel

A perennial favorite, the Editor Nitpicking panel will cover all of the things – incorrect things – that writers do constantly that drive Editors to … well, not alcohol, but certainly to distraction.

YA and Middle-Grade Craft

Middle-Grade and Young Adult: just target demographics, or genres unto themselves? Brandie June Chernow will explore the answer to this and many other things about writing for this exciting market and fanbase!